About Us



(like, around 2010...)

There was a beautiful princess named Caroline, who lived in the far off land of Gainesville, Florida. In this land, the princess attended the largest castle that could be seen for miles. It was called: The University of Florida. While not only beautiful, this princess was endowed with quite a bit of ambition—ambition that saw her rising through the ranks of an ever-growing troop called the "Advertising Society." When she reached the status of President of the Advertising Society, she had the arduous task of finding interesting court jesters to entertain the members of the troop and teach them wonders from across the globe.  



There was a young, dashing, tall, very handsome and #brooding prince named Jason. This prince lived in a modest dwelling with his trusty sidekick Plaxico (an animal that had the exterior of a dog, but the mind of a gallant knight). The prince spent his days wearing uniquely designed sheets of cotton and was known as quite the jester by a small group of villagers, who were spread out across many lands. The prince would often travel by flying carriage or through the intricate digital tubes of the World Wide Web to spread his message to various troops far and wide.



Princess Caroline had been looking for a very unique jester for an upcoming troop gathering. One of the previous troop members had recommended Prince Jason and said he may be able to keep the common folk entertained whilest also giving them knowledge and tools he'd learned during his travels.

By using the World Wide Web and a system where birds could chirp at each other in very small messages, the Princess was able to reach the Prince and an agreed-upon meeting was set. 


The Prince and the Princess exchanged pleasantries and the Prince commenced his promised jestering to her troop. She was very pleased with his act and could feel butterflies fluttering about inside her for the Prince. The Prince was focused on his task of entertaining her troop, but his mind was also adrift in thoughts of escorting the Princess to a lovely evening filled with ale, porridge and laughter. 

It wasn't long after that event the Prince and Princess started to fall in love. The two shared common interests, thoroughly enjoyed each other's company, and both believed there was a future to be had together.



The Prince and the Princess packed up all their belongings, including the Prince's sidekick, and they journeyed clear across the land to a majestic place called California

The two (along with sidekick Plaxico) spent multiple revolutions around the sun finding out what life they wanted to live together. They ventured down separate paths for some of those revolutions, but always supported one another and established values and beliefs that led them to happiness and contentment (instead of sticking to antiquated rules written on scrolls that were no longer relevant).

They had created a great life for themselves but had an itch to combine their experiences and ideas into one bold adventure.

Which brings our story to the present day. The newest combined adventure of the Prince and Princess is known as:

Wandering Aimfully.



We are Caroline and Jason Zook. And while the silly story you just read was... silly, it was a quick recap on our humble beginnings (and how we actually met in 2010). 

Over the years we've worked together on and off, starting when Caroline worked for Jason's IWearYourShirt business from 2011 to 2013. We've gone down our individual paths, created several businesses/products/services over the years, but ultimately we've learned one unshakeable thing:

We are better together.

That's what brought us to create one business to rule them all: Wandering Aimfully. It's a site based on our love of navigating business and life with thoughtful, intentional exploration. 

We're taking our three existing businesses and combining them into this new endeavor. 

Caroline used to run the site Made Vibrant, a place where soulful creatives could live and work as their best, brightest selves. Jason ran a site called JasonDoesStuff (we know, amazingly unique name), a place where aspiring and existing creative small business owners could learn how to take more action in their lives and businesses. Together we built and sold BuyOurFuture, probably the weirdest and most far-out-there bundle of products anyone could ever purchase.

But, now it's time to evolve those projects forward into something new and pour all our chips into this new adventure. 


Wandering Aimfully under construction...

We've created this "under construction" site so we can share the entire process with you of how we're creating this new business from the ground up. You'll see every decision we make and every crucial piece of the puzzle leading up to our new website launch on June 21st. 

Our goal with Wandering Aimfully will be to provide you a ton of practical lessons we've learned from our own wanderings, while also trying to have a little fun along the way (we'll try not to hold back on the jestering).

If you're looking to live a life where you feel balance and contentment, while also having the tools and knowledge to build a business to support that life, we're here to support you on that journey! Let's get to wandering, shall we?! 
